Positive Actions, Interactions and Traditions
- Staff assists students in conflict resolution that encourages open communication, quick settlement, and the discretion of parties involved. We strive to achieve reconciliation and forgiveness. In understanding that we all make mistakes and realizing that we grow from accepting consequences, we learn to care for one another.
- Staff and students are called to model respectful behavior as per the Covenant Form that staff and students sign.
- Each day begins with Staff Devotions. Staff members pray for students and their families, and seek ways to be encouraging and supporting to one another.
- Bulletin boards celebrate student activities and successes. Each class will have a camera to record events as they happen in the classroom.
- Senior high students assist in Chapel activities. Chapel worship at CCA brings students and staff together in music, prayer and discussion – an enormously uniting, encouraging activity for our school community.
Smooth Transitions Within and Between Schools
- Our revised newsletter and school calendar will keep community members aware of events at the school.
- New families are welcomed into the school with “Meet the Teacher [and Other Parents] Nights.”
- Staff participates in transition meetings with parents for all students entering senior high and for students with specific learning needs. Portfolios of student work provide evidence of learning as students move from grade to grade and from school to school.
A Healthy Sense of Belonging
- A School Council has been formed that will work with the Cornerstone Society to support our parents and Society members as they participate in the daily life of the school. Student Council assumes responsibility for the school canteen, annual Talent Show, hot lunches, and “Fun Days.”
- Our Care Groups are involved with Chapel, in cross-grade activities, in “theme” days, and in mentoring new students at our school.
- Bonds among students are built through Worship activities, participation in sports teams and school clubs, junior high camping trips, and Spiritual Emphasis Week [elementary and secondary].
- Reading buddies, “helpers”, announcements of birthdays and accomplishments are means by which all students are recognized and supported as being valued members of the Cornerstone family.
- Each student is greeted upon arrival to the school and upon entry into the classroom. Each day begins with classroom devotions.