Cornerstone Christian Academy is committed to quality education built on a firm Biblical foundation, with a strong focus on literacy and numeracy. If you would like more information about the school and its programs, please call or email us today.
Registration Process:
• 2024-2025 Registration Package must be filled out completely (one per child) and the following documents must be submitted along with your registration:
◦ post dated cheque(s) for the year’s fees: (1 payment, 2 payments, or 10 payments dated for the 1st or 15th of the month)
◦ a copy of the student’s most current report card
◦ any special needs assessments
◦ copy of the student’s birth certificate and Alberta Health Care Number
◦ signed student and guardian covenant form (for each child)
Entrance exams may be given at the discretion of the principal.
• The principal will make arrangements to meet with the parents and possibly the student(s) for an interview once the registration package is complete.
• Parents will be informed of the acceptance or decline of their registration after the complete application has been reviewed and the interview with the principal has been completed.
• Students who will be five years old by December 31st, 2024 may register in Kindergarten, and students who will be six years old by December 31st, 2024 may be registered in Grade One.
• Families accepted after the interview process will be on “probation” for three months. During this period the principal and staff will assess the student’s progress and fit with the school. CCA will work with families to ensure that the school is able to meet the student’s needs or, if necessary, assist families in relocating to another school that can better meet the child’s needs.
Bussing: Bussing is available, and the cost is included in tuition. Where numbers warrant, door to door service is provided. If numbers are insufficient, designated central meeting locations may be assigned and you will have to meet the bus. Final arrangements will be determined once registration numbers are finalized and before school starts. If you have questions about busing please contact the School Office.
Tuition: Running a private school is expensive, so tuition fees are required to create a balanced budget. In order to keep costs affordable, families may contribute volunteer time to the school to reduce student tuition (such as classroom EA support, painting, maintenance, etc.) Several Bursaries will also remain available (following the usual procedures). The Board does not want any families to be turned away, or discouraged from attending, on account of cost. If tuition is a major concern for your family please speak with Mr. Welde or Ms. Stewart to discuss options.
Download the 2024-2025 Registration Package here.
If you have questions or issues, please contact the school at 780-672-7197 or email us at